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    Humble Gaming Ltd

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    May 05 2016

Escape Bear

In temple once again, escaping from the tomb.Running endlessly, will it be possible to escape from doomed fate. Escape bear, an even more intense game, have a number of stages, it is a game that lets you finally being able to escape!还在神庙丶古墓中逃生?无尽的跑酷,始终难逃死亡的厄运?越狱熊,一只更加紧张刺激,有版数,有关卡,终於可以逃出生天的游戏!Over one million downloads after being released a month.Ranking in top 2 in U.S. Apps store all free game charts for two consecutive weeks.Ranking in top 25 in all free game charts in more than 25 countries for two consecutive weeks.The hottest iOS game is now available for Android platform!iOS发布一个月,超过100万下载。连续2星期,美国Apps store所有类型游戏排行榜第2位。连续2星期,超过25个国家,所有类型游戏排行前25位。全新版本”Escape Bear - Infinity death”现正登场。A brave and determined bear needs to escape, but is being chased by a brutal jailer. You must help him! In the way are spiked pillars, animal traps, swinging axes, and more. Escape Bear is the first of its genre to feature only 2 lanes for dodging. Players can act more accurately and quickly, and will find endless fun in this running game.含冤受狱的可爱小熊为了逃离监狱,被疯狂的狱卒追杀!你可以协助它吗?只是道路上满布陷阱,带刺的木柱丶尖锐的捕兽器丶摇摆的锋利镰刀,还有更多丶更多,天堂与地狱只差一线!相比同类的游戏,《Escape Bear》是首款采用双轨道设计的闪避奔跑游戏,令玩家摇动手机时可更确定到达预期的位置,创造出另类畅快的「逃亡」风格!Escape Bear contains certain graphic depictions that display blood and gore and may be considered inappropriate by those sensitive to such elements. Humble Gaming advises caution and appropriate independent judgment to be exercised by parents and care givers.本游戏含有暴力及血腥性内容,可能会导致玩家情绪不安,敬请注意。FEATURES:.Easy to learn, one-handed gameplay..3-Star scoring system encourages you to master all the levels!.4 game modes.Story mode: 99 levels, can you beat them all?Survival Mode: test your limits of concentration!Hell Speed Mode: measure your maximum reaction speed.Infinity Mode: 1000m? 2000m? Endless escaping begins now!.5 themes: Indoor and outdoor scenes, you have no place to hide!.6 cute characters: Escape Bear, Gingerbread Man, Poor Guy, Little Bear, Jones, Ninja.14 expected - and unexpected - traps.OpenFient Leaderboards and Achievements to compete with your friends..Post scores on Facebook or Twitter..Incredibly fun just one more time game play!游戏特点:.容易学习,单手可玩。.4种不同风格的游戏模式。.故事模式:99个等级,等你来破解!.生存模式:测试你的集中力极限!.地狱模式:挑战你的最高反应速度!.无尽模式:1000米?2000米?无尽的逃亡,现在展开!.5个游戏景场:室内丶室外的场景,令你无处可逃!.6个可爱造型角色:姜饼人丶惊慌男丶泰迪熊熊丶疾走熊丶忍者丶锺先生.14种意想得到,意想不到的陷阱。.对应OpenFient成就及排行系统,让你和好朋友竞争。.支援Facebook及Twitter成绩分布。.令人难以置信的乐趣,只需你有少许时间,及一个无尽的游戏!Be a fan of Escape Bear on Facebook (成為我們的Facebook粉絲):
Escape Bear ประวัติรุ่น
Escape Bear 1.0 for Android 2.1และหลังจากนั้น ดาวน์โหลด

Version : 1.0 for Android 2.1และหลังจากนั้น

ปรับปรุงวันที่ : 2016-05-30

ดาวน์โหลด apk (33.15 MB)