Sci-Fi Launcher 7.0.4 APK
Aris Open Universe
Sep 22 2023
Sci-Fi Launcher
Search your app/contacts instantly and do a lot of things like geeks. Build-in commands{app}->uninstall: to uninstall an app{app}->info: to launch app’s detail page{app/contact}->add: to put an app/contact into folder{app/contact}->remove: to remove an app/contact from folder{app/contact}->hide: to disable an app/contact from being searchedclipboard: to get text in clipboardrestart: to restart Arisclear: to clear the console outputshow: to re-enable disabled apps/contactwifi: to toggle WiFibluetooth: to toggle bluetoothfolder: to display folderapps: to display all appsflash: to toggle flashweather: to display current weathermylocation: to display an image of your current location{anything}->ls: to display information of an itemsnake: to play snake gamecode: to display a window displaying codes{anything}->tts: text to speech{number}: to make phone call{equation}: to calculate the equationShare{app/contact}->{app/contact}Clipboard->{app/contact}FeaturesDevelopYou can either write scripts based on HTTP request under develop mode, or write plugins with aris open project. Instant RunBy configuring Instant Run you can do Google search etc right in the console(coming soon). Seamless ShareShare apps, contacts, files and so on with your friends with one stepEfficient Task FlowFinish a complicated task with one simple commandThemesYou can customize your Aris Launcher by setting wallpaper, text color/size/font, keyboard, even applying icon pack!FeedDisplay all notifications directly in the console(coming soon).
Sci-Fi Launcher ประวัติรุ่น
- Sci-Fi Launcher 7.0.4 for Android 4.4และหลังจากนั้น ดาวน์โหลด
Version : 7.0.4 for Android 4.4และหลังจากนั้น
ปรับปรุงวันที่ : 2023-09-22
- Sci-Fi Launcher 6.8.0 for Android 4.4และหลังจากนั้น ดาวน์โหลด
- Sci-Fi Launcher 6.7.0 for Android 4.4และหลังจากนั้น ดาวน์โหลด
- Sci-Fi Launcher 5.7.0 for Android 4.4และหลังจากนั้น ดาวน์โหลด